Wishing Upon A Tree, Embracing the Cross

I am only left with what is worst in me.
Replete of You,
filled up with me.
Yet I have chosen.
I have chosen crucifixion with You.
No longer alive to the ugly stone heart of me
…but fully alive to the beautiful soft heart of You.

I stumble to the base of the cross.
A sure foundation.
The bedrock on which I build my life.
My arms wrap around coarse wood.
This is what I’ve become.
A hugger of that bloodied tree.


There is a Celtic cross
where it is said
those who can reach around
fingers touching
will receive their wish.
But my only wish is to know You.
To hear your voice say, “This is the way, now walk in it.”
My wish is to fulfill Your wish.
To love like you love,
whether cradling children or turning tables.

And this is what I’ve become,
a hugger of that bloodied tree.
Emptying me of me.
Until there is nothing left of me,
inside of me.
And I think Your thoughts,
Dream Your dreams.

This is what happens when one wishes upon a tree.
When one wraps their arms around a cross.
Embracing His loss
For gain.
And this is what I’ve become,
a hugger of that bloodied tree.

5. Peace in my home.
Three things funny…
6. The dog refusing to go out…too wet and windy
7. I dream about Ann inviting e to her place, but I can’t go because I don’t have a passport, and then she posts this.
8. “Everyone has a photographic memory. Some just don’t have film.” FB status.

Three gifts from conversations

9. Colleague telling group that I do “everything.”
10 Best friend called me strong.
11. Reassurance from church leaders.

Three gifts found in Christ

12. Security
13. Peace
14. Wisdom

A gift of peace, hope, love

15. Diamond Studded screen


16. Few days at moms
17. Misty mornings

18. a balanced budget
19. sons changing plans to protect sister and mom

The Ugly-Beautiful
20. Reckless stairway to nowhere

21. Well worn Bible

22. my heart

Three things that make me really smile

23. Sandhill cranes

24. Coffee with my girl

25. Devotions on the patio


A Gift at 8, 12 and 2
26. Safe arrivals
27. Naps at home
28. Sweet sleep

Three gifts painted
29. Knobby desk

30. Great Granny’s chair

31. Dresser done duo


…sharing a playdate with Laura:
and at a new place for writers Unforced Rhythms of Grace.

and with beautiful Jennifer Dukes Lee…{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252
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And with my dearest Emily…

10 thoughts on “Wishing Upon A Tree, Embracing the Cross

  1. I love the poetry of your diamond studded screen. Sigh. To have eyes to see beauty like that, even when disguised by the ordinary.

    And your reflections on hugging the bloodied tree were gorgeous. So many ways in which what we hug changes us, yes? Thanks for joining us at Unforced Rhythms, friend.

  2. Hi KD,

    Fun to peek into your gift counting: coffee date with a daughter, and seeing your poem. The line about the only thing you want is to hear our God whisper, “This is the way, walk in it” is what resonates with me most tonight.

    Re your comment on my post “Why I’m Praying for Your Church,” sorry for my delay. So nice to have you here! Welcome. Love INC sounds like a helpful para-church organization with its desire to come alongside churches, communities and individuals. Fun!

    Have a great week,
    Jennifer Dougan

  3. How I love your poetry, your eyes, the cry of your heart. This image of becoming a hugger of a bloodied tree speaks profoundly to me on numerous levels, because it blends my love of Christ with my respect of creation, and so I thank you, friend. This is incredibly beautiful. And p.s. Your sandhill crane made me smile, too. I’m a huge bird lover.

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